A little squirrel is deserted by his parents in the woods, and decides to follow them. On his way he encounters many crying puppies. The resone for all of this is finaly revealed.. Directed by Oryan Ventura, Naor Zion Written by Naor Zion eyJpZCI6ImVtYmVkZGVkLXZpZGVvIiwic3JjIjoiaHR0cDpcL1wvYjNmZjI3N2Y2NDA1MjdjNWJiMDAtOGE1NGFjZmJmYWE0ZDg2YWVmYjAyNjBiNDBiNDNiOTIucjk0LmNmMS5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbVwvMzIwMF8xMjc3NzUyMTE2Lm1wNCJ9 Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google + Linkedin Email 0 Shares Related Content No related posts.