In this original animated musical a recently deceased barista by the name of Chuck rises from the dead. His purpose: to complete a list of all the things in life that had passed him by, culminating with the courtship of a woman who he’d never gotten to know. The object of his affection is at first resistant to his undead advances, but not for the obvious reasons.
- Directed by
- Jeremy Blodgett, Christopher Rathjen, Nicholas Wagner
- Written by
- Jeremy Blodgett, Christopher Rathjen, Nicholas Wagner, Chad Hines
- Produced by
- Christopher Rathjen
- Editting by
- Jeremy Blodgett, Nicholas Wagner
- Casting by
- Artwork: Chad Hines, Lyrics: Christopher Rathjen with Jeremy Blodgett & Nicholas Wagner & Chad Hines, Musical Performance: Nicholas Wagner & Chad Hines