In this animated short based on Bruce McCall’s New Yorker cover, two mummies awaken from their ever-lasting slumber in the Metropolitan Museum and have the date of their eternal lives. They hit the town as classic New York tourists / love-birds: taking in a ballgame (and catching a fly ball!); enjoying the ambience of Central Park (on roller blades!); shopping on Fifth Avenue (and buying lots of stuff they really don’t need!); hitting Times Square (and not looking any weirder than any of the other weirdos there!); and taking in a romantic view from the top of the Empire State building before returning to their resting places (with souvenirs!).

Based of the New Yorker Magazine cover by Bruce McCall. These images are used in animated form by permission.

Executive Producers
Jonas Diamond
Catherine Tait

Supervising Producer
Jeremy Diamond

Denny Silverthorne

Jeremy Diamond

Art Director
Alex Hawley

Storyboard Artist
Luke Gustafson

Design Supervisor
Joel Chahal

Joel Chahal
Joseph Lague
Kurtis Scott
Craig Schriver
Peter Habjan
Nathan Carey
Rich Duhaney

Joel Chahal
Alex Hawley
Craig Schriver
Mateusz Garbulinski
Kurtis Scott

Background Artist
Alex Hawley

Visual Effects
Joel Chahal
Joel Gregorio

Denny Silverthorne

Music & Sound Design
Paul O’Brien

Project Manager
Julie Otten

Technical Director
David Kennedy

Co-Produced by duopoly, iThentic, and Smiley Guy Studios.

Directed by
Denny Silverthorne
Written by
Jeremy Diamond
Produced by
Jonas Diamond, Catherine Tait, Jeremy Diamond
Editting by
Denny Silverthorne
Casting by
Supervising Producer:
Lisa Baylin

Art Director:
Alex Hawley

Storyboard Artist:
Luke Gustafson

Design Supervisor:
Joel Chahal

Joel Chahal,
Joseph Lague,
Kurtis Scott,
Craig Schriver,
Peter Habjan,
Nathan Carey,
Rich Duhaney,

Joel Chahal,
Alex Hawley,
Craig Schriver,
Mateusz Garbulinski,
Kurtis Scott,

Background Artist:
Alex Hawley,

Visual Effects:
Joel Chahal,
Joel Gregorio,

Music & Sound Design:
Paul O’Brien

Project Manager:
Julie Otten

Technical Director:
David Kennedy

A Very Special Thanks To:
Bob Dorrance,
Kay & Warburton

As Well Thanks To:
Christina Jennings,
Phil Schmitt,
David Zitzerman

Production Company