Famous – Ep #108

Room 202 of the Motel Americana. A struggling New Jersey filmmaker, hands six home-movie cameras to his friends and
invites them to a strip-tease party at a seedy “by-the-hour” motel. The instructions are simple: film everything two hours
previous to and during the party. The resulting document, intended to be Jeremy’s contribution to the Motel Americana
feature film collection of shorts, is constructed of only the footage that was shot by the attendees. FAMOUS, a “found
footage” documentary, unwittingly tells the story of how a seemingly harmless night of off-color fun abruptly takes a turn for
the worst. An artifact of actual events, FAMOUS provides an incisive insight into our culture’s fetish for fame.

Directed by
Joseph Christiana
Written by
Anthony Christiana
Produced by
Benjamin Valentine, Joseph Christiana
Editting by
Joseph Christiana
Casting by
Dan Pfau, Nick Psinakis, Jermone Metallo
Next: Shatranj – Your Move