Why does the bat live in cave? The answer is in the retelling of this Mongolian fairy tale. Directed by Nick Kozis Written by Nick Kozis Produced by Nick Kozis Director of Photography Nick Kozis Editting by Nick Kozis eyJpZCI6ImVtYmVkZGVkLXZpZGVvIiwic3JjIjoiaHR0cDpcL1wvYjNmZjI3N2Y2NDA1MjdjNWJiMDAtOGE1NGFjZmJmYWE0ZDg2YWVmYjAyNjBiNDBiNDNiOTIucjk0LmNmMS5yYWNrY2RuLmNvbVwvMTU5MF8xMjA3MzIxNzcyLmZsdiJ9 Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google + Linkedin Email 0 Shares Related Content No related posts.